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Web Design Trends in 2020

It’s that time of year again! As 2019 moves through its fourth quarter, we at PalmettoSoft think a lot about what trends our website design company in Myrtle Beach, SC will see in the coming new year.

We saw a few exciting online marketing trends in 2019, one of the most important being the continued development of Google Ads into an even more powerful pay-per-click service.

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The spring of 2019 also brought the end of Google Plus, the social media networking service that never reached its full potential.

With 2020 just a couple of months away, here are some of the trends that we expect to see in website design in Myrtle Beach, SC:

Keep your website current with an expert audit.

  1. Simplicity

For quite a while now, website design has been moving in the direction of simplicity. We expect this trend to continue well into the future, as more and more web browsing traffic takes place on mobile devices.

There are a few web design trends that used to be popular that you will never see on your mobile phone if you stick to the top few Google search results! These trends include ornate fonts, navigation bars with multiple menu levels, and patterned web page backgrounds. These features simply appear too cluttered and hard to read on a smartphone screen, and clickable elements end up being too small to use on a touch screen.

This ongoing trend is one important reason to redesign your organization’s website if it’s been a few years since its last update. By having a professional team implement best practices for mobile-optimized web design in Myrtle Beach, SC, you can make sure that today’s search engine users find it easy to land on and move around your website.

  1. More Robust Search Results

In order to provide its audience with the most convenient experience possible, we expect Google to continue to add more and more useful features to its search results entries.

Today, you can view a company’s business hours, read reviews, and even launch a phone call with a single click, all without leaving the Google search results page.

Keep your website current in 2020!

One of the current important trends in this area is the addition of links to a website’s internal pages to the search results entry. This conserves the number of clicks and the time it takes a search user to get to the specific page of a website that has the information they are particularly interested in.

Remember that as Google adds these and other features to its search results entries, your website will not benefit from them “automatically”! You’ll need your web design team to format your website correctly and communicate with Google’s search engine to guide it in what to display to search users.

  1. Intuitive Navigation

Have you ever tried to navigate a drop-down navigation menu on your smartphone, only to get two levels down and miss the button you intended to click on? Rather than starting the process over, many visitors will simply give up and go back to the Google search results.

The larger a navigation button is, the easier it is to touch on a smartphone screen. This fact has many new websites placing no more than four or five buttons in their navigation menu—at least for the version of their website that appears to mobile device users.

In fact, you’ll notice many websites now making the navigation menu itself a single, large button, usually in the top left of the screen. This allows for more space on each page to display other types of content, only showing the full navigation menu when the visitor actually wants to use it.

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As is the case every year, we are confident that there are important trends for web design in 2020 that we have no idea about at this moment. But when a new device or a new way of interacting with the Internet shows up, you will want to have an expert team of web designers in charge of your website so that you can take advantage of it—and make sure you don’t get left behind your competition on the search results pages.

Stay ahead of the game with PalmettoSoft.

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