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SEO Services in South Carolina

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of enhancing a website so it is found on the top positions of the search results. On an ongoing basis, a series of exercises are done both on and

off the website which ultimately targets industry-specific keywords. For example, when a person visits Google and searches for a keyword, a 1st page of results is listed and over 90% of the web visitors never look past that initial page. As you can imagine, it is of the utmost importance that a website be found by the searcher and in many cases, this now is the sole marketing strategy that businesses have.

Your targeted keywords need to be directly related to what you offer.

At PalmettoSoft, we target certain keywords, such as SEO SC. If a business owner is looking for quality SEO services in South Carolina, they may look for that particular term or a related one. Because of this mentality, we are found for a variety of keywords in our industry.

How do you “optimize” for keywords?

The first step is thorough keyword research which can reveal the search volume and competition of each phrase. Once that is completed, the proper words are selected. As a next step, the website’s code needs to be verified as “clean,” and once that occurs, regular and scheduled link building (creating high quality inbound links) and domain content updating begins (weekly blog posts). Typically, in about 3 months, top search engine placement will be seen provided the targeted keywords are not too competitive. As a rule of thumb, PalmettoSoft considers keywords under 2 million in competition (# of search results) to be achievable in a relatively short amount of time. Why target less competitive terms? It is better to be seen earlier (i.e. quicker business for you), than having to wait a year (or longer) to be seen by the public in the search results.

What type of budget is required for this?

At PalmettoSoft, our SEO SC firm has plans beginning at $400.00/month. We also have custom plans for more aggressive clients who wish to see quicker gains and dominate their competition. If you would like to know more, please contact us today—we would love to talk to you.

About the Author: Rhett DeMille, the owner of PalmettoSoft, is a leading search engine optimization  consultant located in the Florida and Greater Carolina areas.

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