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Directory Submission

As you may know, inbound links or “backlinks,” play a very important part within search engine optimization rankings. Google, for example, places much emphasis on high quality human edited web

directories which catalog and verify websites.  In addition, these same directories have a high Google PageRank value (ex. PR 8), and your website’s placement in the aforementioned is rewarded with higher search visibility. The editors consider factors such commercial vs. non-commercial, geography, niche, etc… and this actually reduces some of the “heavy lifting” for the search engines and assists in understanding what your website’s content is about. Furthermore, directories are typically categorized and alphabetized so the viewer can navigate through the large amount of data.

One of the best ways to find these directories is to search for: “top 10 web directories” and click through the results. Some directories are free, like DMOZ.org, while others are paid inclusion, such as the Yahoo Directory which charges $299.00 per year. For businesses with smaller budgets, I recommend exhausting as many free directories as possible, as you will essentially be spending time and effort; rather than marketing dollars. If you have the ability to pay, I recommend targeting directories with a PageRank of “6” and higher.

In closing, think of web directories as important islands within the world of SEO. If your site is fortunate to have a home there, the search engine algorithms will not only see you, but they will reward you as well with higher rankings.

About the Author: Rhett DeMille, the owner of PalmettoSoft, is a leading search engine optimization  consultant located in the Florida and Greater Carolina areas.

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