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An SEO Earthquake Is Scheduled – Mobile Version of Website is MUST for Business

For any SEO company, search engine algorithm changes are rarely “earth-shattering” events. Usually, they mean slightly adjusting keyword density, blogpost length, or other minor

details in order to maximize the website’s attractiveness to the search engine. However, every once in a while, an engine (in most cases, Google) announces an algorithm change that really does shake up the web development field. That’s what is happening now, and the earthquake is scheduled for April 21. So, what exactly will happen on that date?

Advice: Go Mobile or Go Home

Google is responding to the explosion of Internet-enabled mobile devices by demanding that websites optimize their content for viewing on smartphones and tablets. As of April 21, sites that don’t work well on small screens will see their search listings drop rather dramatically in the rankings. But how exactly will Google calculate whether a site is “mobile-friendly” or not?

Mobile Friendly Factors

The presence or absence of certain factors, in Google’s new algorithm’s mind, determine how easily a user can view and navigate a website on a mobile device:

  • Content that can be read and viewed on a small screen without having to zoom in or scroll from side to side
  • Video and interactive elements that require web apps (like Java and Flash) that are not installed on many mobile devices
  • Issues related to touch screen use—for instance, how easy is it to touch link anchor text without accidentally touching other linked elements on the page?

What to Do About It

Our Charleston SEO company is recommending that website owners interested in continued visibility on Google take immediate action to update their sites for mobile considerations. Even if it’s just a matter of enlarging text and doing a few “quick fixes” until you can take on a more complete overhaul, every little bit will help when Google puts its algorithm changes into effect.

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