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A Landing Page Primer from Your Georgetown SEO

One of the most profitable changes that a Georgetown SEO consultant can make to a new client’s website is to add a few landing pages to it. This is a practice that doesn’t occur to most people

outside the web design industry, but it is a very effective one—in fact, it’s one of the first things we do when we begin the process of helping a client’s website start climbing the search page rankings. Today, we’d like to give you a quick, basic education on what this great tool is and what benefits it can provide once you implement it into your online marketing strategy.

How many searchers land on your website’s landing pages?

A Central Georgetown SEO Service

Oddly enough, as important as landing pages are, you won’t always see them featured prominently (or at all!) on the home page of a website. There may be anywhere between 4 and 20 landing pages working to draw visitors into the website, but if you start out on the site’s home page, you will be unaware that they even exist. To find out why, let’s consider the primary purpose of the landing page:

To direct a search engine user from a search results page to your website.

The headings, meta descriptions, title, image captions, content, and other elements of the landing page are all built around a frequently searched keyword phrase that is closely relevant to the company’s product or service. That being said, the content must also be well-written, useful to website visitors, and unique. That balance is not easy to achieve!

When the landing page is both high in quality in its own regard as well as optimized for its keyword phrase, it will begin to appear near the top of search results pages. Searchers will notice the relevance of the page title and description, click through to the landing page, and get an introduction to the company and what it has to offer.

Choosing the Right Keywords

Many SEO services in Georgetown and throughout South Carolina are all about keywords, and landing pages are no exception. Before we begin writing page content at all, we must decide what keyword phrases each page will be optimized for. Parts of that decision process are intuitive, but other parts can seem downright counter-intuitive! For instance:

Suppose your website advertises janitorial services for commercial properties. Some preliminary keyword research reveals that the keyword phrase “cleaning services” is searched for about 110,000 times per month. But a Georgetown SEO expert knows that creating a landing page optimized around the phrase “cleaning services” will encounter several difficulties:

  • The huge number of searches per month means that there is a lot of competition for that keyword—many companies are already optimizing for the keyword, and your new campaign stands very little chance of competing with them.
  • People from all over the country (or even the world!) may see your landing page, but most of those people won’t even be potential customers of yours since they are too far away.
  • Even people in your area who find your page could be looking for different kinds of cleaning services—domestic housekeeping, industrial equipment cleaning, or even pool cleaning!

By using more specific keyword phrases, your Georgetown SEO consultant prevents your landing pages from having to compete for more popular, more general phrases. It also makes it more likely that when a searcher clicks through to your landing page, he is looking for your specific service in your area. The keyword phrase “Columbia SC cleaning” has only 20 searches per month, and “commercial cleaning SC” has 10. There are fewer people searching for those phrases, but if one of those people sees your landing page, he is likely to be looking for the exact service you offer.

Taking Your Georgetown SEO Services to the Next Step

Once your Georgetown SEO consultant has optimized your landing page, he works to make sure that visitors will be able to easily get from the page to your website’s home page or contact page. The landing page’s job is finished—from there, it is up to you to convert the interested visitor into a paying customer.

Want to learn more about landing pages and how they work? We are in the process of posting a four-part video series on optimized landing pages to our YouTube channel. See the videos we have so far and subscribe to find out when the next ones go live: https://youtu.be/T9K41DxRIwA

Thanks for your time and please comment or share your experiences below!