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Twitter Promotion

In July 2006, the online social networking website Twitter was launched. The concept behind Twitter is for users to have the ability to quickly blast short messages (up to 140 text based characters) and to

also follow other members. In 2012, the network reported over 500 million users with an average of 340 million messages, or “tweets,” per day.

Twitter Tips:

1. Company profile and bio:

Within your Twitter home page, you need to fill out relevant company information and feature a link to a designated page on your website you think will assist in the highest conversion for a visitor.

2. Brand name and awareness:

Your Twitter account should feature one of the following: Your company name, website URL, or a major service/product you are trying to promote. When your posts are “re-tweeted” by other users, your brand awareness will increase as well.

3. Link building:

These days, Google is displaying Tweets in their search results. So, putting links in your Tweets can provide another inbound link to your site, not to mention increased visitor traffic as well. Special note: In the event your URL makes your Tweet too long, you can use a “URL shortener” such as TinyURL to make it much shorter and more manageable.

4. Mentions:

Whenever you reference/mention Twitter users, you want to use the “@” symbol before their Twitter username. For example, if you want to re-tweet something, do the following: RT @username.

5. Hash Tags:

Hash Tags, ex: #skydiving, are a great way to categorize your subject matter and let people search Twitter for the same. You can also include more than one Hash Tag if you like.

6. Twitter icon integration within your Website Template:

At the top of your website, ensure you have a Twitter image link with any/all other social media icons, and group them together. This lets the public quickly know you have a social media presence if they are on your website.

7. Twitter icon within blog:

Within your blog posts, you also want to your Twitter/social icons quick links, which allows users to rapidly disseminate your content.

8. Define your Twitter account purpose:

Think about the purpose of your Twitter account. Are you using it for product promotion, public relations, client support, industry conversation (talking to others in your field), etc…? By defining the purpose of your Twitter campaign, it will be easier for you to do—and more enjoyable for others to read and Re-Tweet!

About the Author: Rhett DeMille, the owner of PalmettoSoft, is a leading search engine optimization  consultant located in the Florida and Greater Carolina areas.

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