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Organic vs. AdWords? Run Both– Your SEO Consultant Florida

Over the last two years, Google has made some major changes to its ranking algorithm in the form of the Panda and Penguin updates. In addition, there are hundreds of minor tweaks that occur

throughout the year. SEO Consultant Florida firms like PalmettoSoft are constantly adjusting workflow processes to accommodate for the changes. At the same time, we are also trying to remain profitable as typically the price of SEO does not change unless the client requests additional services or an adjustment to their budget. Typically, an SEO contract is based on a number of keywords targeted and the associated labor hours that go with that goal. Also, there is a campaign duration, which tends to be around 6-12 months.

Google figured out 10 years ago how to earn money with AdWords, and this program is commonly known as pay-per-click advertising in the business world. After several years and billions of dollars in revenue, the search engine decided to go public and the rest is history. Google now holds close to a 70% market share of all searches and AdWords continues to grow in popularity and effectiveness.

When a website runs AdWords, the site traffic will increase in the form of unique visitors. When Google Analytics is also installed (most sites have it nowadays), it sends a message to Google that the site is now receiving more traffic. In accordance with the latest algorithm updates, this increase in site traffic results in a higher organic listing. Google’s rationale: If the site has more visitors, it must be more important. If the “importance” is a result of AdWords… well Google is just fine with that 😉

What has this SEO consultant Florida just said? Running AdWords helps to increase your organic rankings. I cannot prove this definitively, but we have seen repeated instances of this being true. To further add proof, the reverse is true. When AdWords is turned off, a simultaneous loss of organic rankings occur.

Since both organic and pay-per-click offer a positive return on investment when properly managed, our SEO Consultant Florida firm recommends running both campaigns as part of a search engine marketing strategy. There is a common saying: “If you can’t beat them, join them,” and that is exactly what we are talking about with this post J

If you would like to know more about how PalmettoSoft can help your business or organization, please give us a call today.

About the Author: Rhett DeMille, the owner of PalmettoSoft, is a leading search engine optimization  consultant located in the Florida and Greater Carolina areas.

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