750,000+ Hours in Digital Marketing & Revenue Generation | EST. 2005


A Florida Internet Marketing Christmas List

With Thanksgiving and the start of the Christmas season coming up next week, we have compiled a “Christmas list” for the south Florida Internet marketing company. If we could get all of these

things under our Christmas tree, we would be thrilled! They probably won’t all become realities, but we can hope for a miracle…

5. More Analytical Depth

The more we learn about how Internet users behave on our clients’ web pages, the more we can improve those pages to attract and keep more visitors. The tools we already have access to tell us how long visitors stay on each page and what route they take to get there, but we’d like to know even more.

4. More Mobile Traffic

It seems likely that this is one wish that will come true in 2015. Internet-enabled mobile devices are becoming more common all the time, and that is great news for companies that do most of their business at the local level. As long as Florida Internet marketers optimize those companies’ websites for mobile display, they will have a great chance to get the attention of potential customers nearby.

3. A New Social Media Platform

We would love to see someone smart develop a social media platform that could help businesses promote themselves across the Internet even more effectively.

2. More Search Engine Algorithm Updates

Seem like a strange wish? Websites that are generating high quality content with solid keyword density welcome algorithm updates, because they invariably benefit them and penalize sites that are just trying to game the system.

1. More Conversions!

Nothing matters more to a Florida Internet marketing consultant than conversions on a client’s website. Hopefully, Santa will bring us a bag full of great ideas for turning website visitors into satisfied customers for each of our valued clients next year!

Thanks for your time and please comment or share your experiences below!

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